Hybrid Event: Lessons from Successful Challenges to Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong
Organiser(s): International Chamber of Commerce Young Arbitrators Forum (ICC YAF)
Name of Event: Lessons from Successful Challenges to Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong
Date & Time: Friday, July 22nd 2022 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (HKT)
Location: Online AND Chinese Arbitration Association, 14F, No. 376, Sec. 4, Renai Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Language(s): English
Fees: Free
This event is designed for young practitioners who are interested in international arbitration. Dr. David Fong will first share with us some successful precedents for challenging arbitral awards in Hong Kong court, and then summarize the reasons why the court considers it appropriate to set aside or refuse recognition of the arbitral awards. Dr. Fong will also give the audience some general advice regarding Hong Kong court procedures in arbitration related cases.
Registration Deadline: Nil
CPD: Nil